Tuesday, January 31, 2012

A little one on one time

After Ladies Bible Class on Tuesday we come home and immediately lay Gibson down for a nap.  Afternoon naps use to be a precious time for me because I could get a lot done but these days we’ve let Channing give up her afternoon nap.  We use to have her go to her room for quiet time but she’d play for about an hour and then sometimes go to sleep and sometimes not.  It’s normally during the time the boys are finishing up school and it didn’t seem to be that big of a deal that she was up so I began letting her skip her nap.  That means that Tuesday afternoons we have a few hours to ourselves.  Instead of working on the list of chores I need to keep up with we played her choice of pop up pirate.  She cheers every time the pirate pops up.  Pretty sure that’s the exact opposite of winning but she was having fun regardless.


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